Excursions into the surrounding mountains feature prominently in the programme of leisure activities on offer at the Summer School.
- Information on mountain hikes and safety:
- German Alpine Club (DAV) brochure Erlebnis Bergwandern
- Bavarian Environment Ministry guide: How to be environmentally friendly in the mountains
- Brochure "Bergwandern - Sicher und Umweltbewusst" by the Bavarian Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection and Ministry of the Interior in conjunction with the Bavarian Mountain Rescue and the German Alpine Club
- Hiking trails
A number of general websites (outdooractive, senters, etc.) also provide details of hikes in Sarntal, for example:
The Sarntal Tourism Association has a page dedicated to hiking in Sarntal.
Plus: Pamphlets containing brief directions for various walks, as well as maps and walking guides, are available locally at the Summer School – so you don’t necessarily need to bring your own.